December 30, 2020 | News

Unfortunately 2020 was not an easy year for all of us. That’s one of those years that will stay in our memories forever. The reason is coronavirus pandemic, which has shaken whole world, changing the way we live, taking many lifes, causing many businesses fall. But in every situation one can find some positive aspects. SelfMaker is a company, that creates smart self-service solutions, and that was the point in the hard social distancing times. In the place where interpersonal contacts were limited, our kiosks were there to help.


2020 was also the year that started our huge Smart Solutions project. The goal of it was to take the freshest and the most futuristic way to acquire funds for development – the way of tokenization. That required to break many barriers, fight obstacles, but it was worth it. Now we can show you those highlights, and you must know, that YOU played a crucial role in creating such awesome results!




Our #selfevolution community has grown largely. There are over 1500 of us now, and we are coming from every corner of the Globe, beginning in Canada, through over 40 other countries, and finishing far east in Australia.


That wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t create our important documents in so many different languages. SelfMaker Smart Solutions Whitepaper is available to download in 8 of them, and the Marketing Plan was translated to 7.


The key role in creating such great community is played by our leaders. For now we have got one Ambassador, 8 members in the rank of Leader. We have also witnessed 28 Promoter advances.


Something that we are proud of is the SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY that we promote. We strongly suport, and are supported by our dear Deaf community. Those people truly understand the power that lies in automation of everyday processes. That’s what can make their life easier. To help them communicate with the SelfMaker company, we established the function of Deaf Ambassadors – positions held by Kamil Chomski and Amandeep Sharma.


That community growth had a direct impact on the tokenization results. We have sold 5 pools of token since we launched in February. The value of the SELF token growth from 2,5$ to 3$ now. All those assets can be securely held on our dedicated official wallet which is SelfWallet app, available for Android and iOS systems.


Our social media started from 0 early this year. We have grown strong, reaching over 2100 likes on our Facebook fanpage and 859 Instagram followers. Facebook post were reacted over 20 thousand times! And what’s important, almost all of that is organic! This is what you can call a powerful community! You are actively commenting, reacting and sharing our messages! Truly devoted and engaged followers base is the way to real social media success!


Selfevolution academy was also something that we consider as out great achievement. Throughout the 2020 we have educated our community about state-of-the-art technologies, that are more or less connected with SelfMaker creations. Our 3846 subscribers had the possibility to receive 35 newsletters with the most important informations. 25 of them were linked to above mentioned articles on our SelfMaker Smart Solutions official blog.




2020 was just a foretaste of our development! Seeing all those results presented in one place we are more than motivated to work even harder on the success of SelfMaker Smart Solutions. But our work would be nothing without YOUR WORK! Every „Share”, every „Like” and every „Comment” gives us a huge boost forward. Only the way of tokenization could engage all the members of community so much, because only that way you are the REAL part of Smart Solutions!